I love yoga,

I live yoga.

Mit ungefähr 20 Jahren kam ich das erste Mal in Kontakt mit Yoga. Ich praktizierte hauptsächlich auf meinen Reisen nach Hawaii, meine zweite Heimat, und sporadisch auch in der Schweiz. 2013 hat es mich dann ganz gepackt, als ich im Riveryoga Studio in Thun als Karma Yogini mithelfen durfte. Durch eine regelmässige Yogapraxis bemerkte ich grosse Schritte zu einer besseren Gesundheit.

In 2016 I decided to participate in my first 200h YTT with Nadia Toraman in Paia, Maui. After this trip to the islands, I made the move back to Maui where I then lived for the next 3 years. During this time I was teaching regular classes at the Maui Yoga Shala in Paia, Maui. After several years of practice and teaching I felt the calling for a new experienced teacher.

Im 2018 durfte ich Master teacher Nicki Doane kennenlernen. Ich absolvierte mit Nicki Nicki was taught by yoga masters Patabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar directly in India.

To further deepen my yoga experience I took part in a kids yoga training with Christyn Schroeder, a pre- and post natal course with Sue Elkind and meditation training with Rebecca Jenni and Matthias Brun. Various other experienced teachers, such as Sabrina Buccieri and Stephan Thomas have also accompanied me on my yoga path. 

Besides my love for yoga I feel a deep connection to Mother nature and the plant realm. On Maui I was introduced to shamanism and its potential healing powers. This connection has deepened my spiritual practice and gave me pure faith in life and the universe.

Seit 2017 unterrichte ich Gruppen- & Privatstunden, Workshops, leite externe Yoga Retreats und bin nun auch als Lehrerin und Begleiterin im 250h & +300h Teacher Training dabei.