I believe yoga to be a tool of self realization and personal growth. It can assist in becoming aware of our thought patterns, behaviors and tendencies. Through yoga it is possible to then be able to mindfully control these patterns and live more freely and authentically to our True Self. In my teaching my intention is to give people tools to incorporate in their daily lives and thereby support their path to a more balanced life.

As I am fascinated by the healing potential of the yoga poses, breathing techniques and meditation, I believe yoga can be beneficial for everyone, when practicing mindfully and according to ones own needs. Not every kind of yoga fits every person at any given time. Therefore it is important to know the intention of the practice and go into the poses properly for ones body and mind. With a mindful approach it is then possible to get the most out the practice and to feel more and more balanced.

In my yoga practice and teaching I focus on alignment, concentration, body & mental awareness, conscious breathing and energetic body.

I build up the poses step by step and am of the opinion that a strong foundation is very important.
I do my best to focus on each individual person and their body.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga ist ein dynamischer Yogastil, wo die Posen sinnvoll aneinander gereiht werden, um den Körper auf komplexere Positionen vorzubereiten und auch wieder auf nachhaltige Weise zur Ruhe zurückzuführen.

My Vinyasa classes are slow yet strong with a lot of awareness. I am inspired by the lineages of Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga. I use props when needed to make the direction of the poses more accessible and connect with the body in a healthier way, instead of forcing it into a seemingly perfect form.

As a balance to Vinyasa yoga I also practice and teach calmer styles of yoga such as Hatha and Restorative yoga.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is the the source of physical modern yoga styles. Today Hatha Yoga is often practiced as gentle and slow yoga. The poses are held longer than in Vinyasa yoga. This yoga style is great for beginners, after/during injuries or while experiencing other limitations as, to get to know ones own body better. Hatha yoga can be a gentle way to ease back into body movement and/or a sustainable compensation to other forms of physical movement. 

Restorative Yoga

In the world we live in today filled with a lot of external impacts, pressure to perform and always a lack of time, many of us are constantly running on adrenaline. Stress and tension can cause inner disruption, sleeping problems and even a burn out.
Restorative yoga can help relax the nervous system and gain more serenity. We often use props and hold poses for 3-8 minutes. With deep mindful breathing we send the body and mind signals to be able to relax. I love teaching this style of yoga with soft music, to be able to connect with ones Self more and enjoy the journey within.